January 15, 2017 - National Culture Day, 167 years after the birth of the poet Mihai Eminescu.
April 22 marks the birthday of Veronica Micle.
In 1972, Eugen Doga for the first time wrote two works for chorus with the lyrics of a genius of Romanian literature Mihai Eminescu (Dotinţa-Desire and Între sute de catarge-Among the thousands pillars).
The story of the life and death of a great poet Mihai Eminescu was a great tragedy. During his lifetime he was accompanied by incessant work and poverty, he was able to publish only 23 of his poems, which he considered inadequate. His beautiful, tender and unfulfilled love for golden haired beauty and poetess Veronica Micle, whom he met in 1872 and loved all his life, presented the world with a whole cycle of love poems by these two poets.
The pinnacle of his work is the poem "Luceafarul" which he was writing for eight years. It moved more than one generation of readers. "Lucheafer" became his middle name, and it means “luminary", "beacon".
Indifference and lack of understanding during his lifetime gave way to glory and exaltation after his death.
There were written hundreds of books on the life, works and death of Mihai Eminescu. Monuments were dedicated to him, streets and high schools were named after him, and the number of editions of his poetry is impossible to count.
In the creative work of Eugen Doga, the poetry of Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle occupied a very important place. He often wrote romance songs using the poems by Mihai Eminescu, and in 1983 he wrote a symphonic ballet «Luceafarul» based on the poem by Mihai Eminescu. "Lucheaferul" by E. Doga is a majestic monument erected by music to the glory of the poet,"- wrote musicologist Sergey Pozhar.
In 1996, the composer was gifted a collection of poems by Veronica Micle "Dor nemângâiat", and inspired by the beauty of her poetry and sublime and dramatic story of their love, he wrote more than 40 romance songs with the poems of Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle. Eugen Doga was so inspired by the great love of these two poets, that he began writing an opera based on this love story.
"They have amazingly musical poems," - says Eugene Doga. "I don’t even have to invent anything, because their already have everything! His work is devoted to her and was created under the influence of her image, and her poetry is her reply. They are the dialogues between the two worlds of poetry."
Ce e amorul (What is love). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and piano (orchestra)., S-T.
Când aminterele (When memories). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and piano.
Crăiasa din povești (Fairy tale girl). Poems by Mihai Eminescu, For a cappella choir, (version)..
Lacul (Lake), Poems by Mihai Eminescu. For a cappella choir.
Vreme trece, vreme vine (Time goes by, time goes by). Poems by Mihai Eminescu, a romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
O, dulce înger blând (Oh sweet gentle angel). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
Mireasa sufletului meu (Bride of my soul). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and orchestra.
Prin nopți tăcute (Through the silent nights). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and orchestra.
Alei mică, alei dragă (Hey baby, hey dear). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and orchestra.
Mă-ntrebai dragă n-tr-o zi (Once you asked me dear). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and orchestra.
De-atâtea ori (So many times). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and orchestra.
La steaua (Star). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and orchestra. (version).
Fecioara Marie (The Virgin Mary). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), prayer for voice, choir and symphony orchestra.
Crăiasa din povești (Fairy tale girl). Poems by Mihai Eminescu, for choir a cappella, (version).
O, dulce înger blând (Oh sweet gentle angel). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and piano.
E-aș urma cărarea-n codru (I would follow the path in the forest). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian, song for bass and soprano with piano.
Vreme trece, vreme vine (Time goes by, time goes by). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian, a romance for voice and piano.
Mireasa sufletului meu (Bride of my soul). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), (Atât de fragedă), romance for tenor, female ensemble and piano.
Pe aceiaș ulicioară (In the same alley), Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for tenor and piano.
Alei mică, alei dragă (Hey baby, hey dear), Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
«Intre pasari» (Among the birds). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
De-atâtea ori (Time and Time Again). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), a romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
Mă-ntrebai (You asked me). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
Alei mică, alei dragă (Hey Baby, Hey Darling). Poems by Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
De-ar fi mijloace (If Only There Was a Сhance), poetry of Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
Fecioara Maria (A Prayer), poetry of Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
Adio,Veronica (Good-bye, Veronica), poetry of Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
Te duci (You Are Leaving). Aria on verses Mihai Eminescu (Mihai Eminescu). The score.
Floare-albastră (A Blue Flower). On verses of Mihai Eminescu (Mihai Eminescu). For soloists, chorus and Symphony orchestra.
Dialoguri (Dialogues), the songs on verses of Mihai Eminescu
Ştefan cel Mare (Shtefan the Great), the songs on verses of Mihai Eminescu
Să ţin încă o data (I Would Like to Hold Your Hand)
Lumineze sterele (Starlight) poetry of Mihai Eminescu (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
“Your beloved gaze”, a series of romances to M. Eminescu’s verses. (Ochiul tău iubit).
Ochiul tău iubit (Your beloved gaze),
Misterele nopții (Nocturnal mysteries),
De-aş avea şi meu o floare (If Only I Had a Flower),
Peste vîrfuri (Over the Peaks),
O, rămâi (Oh, stay).
«Luceafarul» - a symphonic ballet. “Luceafarul” was conceived based on the storyline of a romantic poem by Mihai Eminescu. The whimsical plot of this fairytale is about a dream of love and the collapse of romantic illusions; it’s a narrative about cosmic immensity of a star world and the earthly reality not being able to find common ground.
Six songs to poems of M. Eminescu for voice, women’s and children’s choir and an orchestra.
(Only one song has been restored, the rest songs have been lost).
“Catargele” (Masts). For a choir a cappella.
"“Dorinţa” (Desire). For a choir a cappella choir.
Sufletul zdrobit (Broken soul). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Și dacă-un dor (And if longing). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano, (version).
Să știi că oriunde (Know that anywhere). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Și dacă-un dor (And if longing). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano and violins, (version).
Veșnic mie drag, (Când îmi plec) (Forever darling - when I'm gone). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Știu că-amorul tău (I know your love). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Uitarea (Oblivion). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Sufletul zdrobit (Broken soul), Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and orchestra..
Mă pierd (I'm lost). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and orchestra.
De câte ori, iubite (How many times, my love). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
De câte ori (How many times, my love). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and orchestra.
Veșnic mie drag (Forever my dear). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and orchestra.
Și de ce te mai plâng (And why are you still complaining?). Poems by Veronica Micle, a romance for voice and orchestra.
Ai sosit dulce uitare (You fell into sweet oblivion). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Trecutul amintirelor (Past in memories). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Trecutul amintirii (La un portret) (Memory of the past, In a portrait). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Mă pierd (I'm lost). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Sufletul zdrobit (Broken soul). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
Luminează-n ceruri Luna (Shine in the sky moon), Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano (orchestra).
«Si daca-un dor» (If this longing). Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano. (orchestra).
De-aş putea numai po-o clipă. Poems by Veronica Micle (romanian), romance for voice and piano.
«Sunt lăcrămioarele-nflorite», (Snowdrops Are Blooming). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Lumineze-n ceruri luna», (Shine in the Sky, Moon). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Uitarea” (Oblivion). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Şi te urăsc” (If Only I Could Reach Out and Touch You). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Să pot întinde mâna” (Hand to reach up to you). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Am plecat” (I'm Gone). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
"“Și de ce te mai plâng?” (Why Are You Crying?). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“De dorul tău” (I Long For You). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Am urât această lume” (I Detest This World). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
"“Din sufletu-mi icoana ta” (Your Image (Icon) Is in My Soul). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“De-aş putea” (If Only I Could). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“S-a pus vălul” (Darkness Came). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Aş vrea să vin la tine” (I Would Like to Come to You). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Drag mi-ai fost” (I Loved You). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
“Iubirea nestinsă” (Unextinguished Love). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«De-ai şti iubute» (If Only You Knew, My Darling). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Din pulbera iubirii mele» (From the Whirlwind Dust of My Love). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«O lacrimă de iubire» (Tears of Love). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«O sărutare voi să-ţi cer» (I Only Ask for One Kiss). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Pasăre cu pene-albastre» (A Blue-feathered Bird). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Lumineze-n ceruri luna» (The Moon Is Shining in the Sky). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Sunt lăcrămioarele-nflorite» (Snowdrops Are Blooming). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Аl durerii mele foc» (The Flame of My Pain). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Ah, du-te!» (Ah, Leave!). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
«Povestea crinului» (The Tale of a Poplar). For children's choir.
«Povestea rozei» (The Tale of a Rose). For children's choir.
«Povestea lăcrămioarelor» (The Tale of a Snowdrop). For children's choir.
«Te stiam numai din nume» (I Knew You Only by Name ). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
"Nu plange" ( Don’t Cry). For voice and a symphonic orchestra (piano).
1997-2017 (c) Eugen Doga. All rights reserved.